Aristotle vs the Stoics: part I, metaphysics and logic

Were the Stoics just copying Aristotle? Spoiler alert: not really.

Figs in Winter


Zeno of Citium (left) and Aristotle (right).

[Cato] “I admit that some parts [of Stoic teachings] are obscure, yet the Stoics do not affect an obscure style on purpose; the obscurity is inherent in the doctrines themselves.”

[Cicero] “How is it, then, that when the same doctrines are expounded by the Peripatetics, every word is intelligible?”

[Cato] “The same doctrines? Have I not said enough to show that the disagreement between the Stoics and Peripatetics is not a matter of words, but concerns the entire substance of their whole system?”

[Cicero] “O well, Cato, if you can prove that, you are welcome to claim me as a whole-hearted convert.”

The above exchange comes from the beginning of the fourth book of Cicero’s On the Ends of Good and Evil, one of my favorite books from antiquity, with a stupendous title to boot. In book three Cicero had given Cato the Younger, the archenemy of Julius Caesar and a famous Stoic role model, the floor to expound Stoic ideas. In book four Cicero puts on his skeptical cap and challenges Cato on a number of points.

From the get go the major challenge is not that the Stoics are wrong, but that they differ only in (more or less…



Figs in Winter

by Massimo Pigliucci. New Stoicism and Beyond. Entirely AI free.